Natural treatments for infertility using

Traditional Chinese Medicine

At Asheville Holistic Acupuncture, we specialize in using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to help individuals and couples struggling with infertility. Our holistic approach combines centuries-old techniques with modern understanding to support reproductive health naturally and effectively. If you are searching for acupuncture in Asheville or holistic fertility treatments, Asheville Holistic Acupuncture is your trusted partner on your fertility journey.

How Chinese Medicine Helps with Infertility

Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and herbal therapy, has been used for centuries to address infertility. By targeting specific points on the body and using natural herbs, we can help balance hormones, improve blood flow, and enhance overall reproductive health.

Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body to influence the flow of energy (Qi) and blood. This can regulate the endocrine system, improve ovarian and follicular function, and increase blood flow to the endometrium, helping to facilitate a thick, rich lining.

Conditions We Treat

At Asheville Holistic Acupuncture, we address a variety of infertility-related issues, including but not limited to:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Acupuncture can help regulate hormones, which is crucial for ovulation and menstrual health.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Our treatments can help manage symptoms of PCOS, promoting regular ovulation and reducing ovarian cysts.

  • Endometriosis: Acupuncture can reduce inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis, improving fertility.

  • Male Infertility: Acupuncture can enhance sperm quality and quantity by improving blood flow and reducing stress.

  • Unexplained Infertility: For those with no clear medical reason for infertility, acupuncture can help restore balance and improve overall reproductive health.

  • Luteal Phase Defect: Acupuncture can enhance luteal phase function, increasing the chances of successful implantation.

  • Fallopian Tube Blockages: While acupuncture cannot open blocked tubes, it can reduce inflammation and improve overall reproductive health.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Infertility

  • Natural and Non-Invasive: Acupuncture offers a drug-free, non-invasive option for improving fertility, reducing the need for medications and surgical interventions.

  • Personalized Care: Each session is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring targeted and effective treatment.

  • Holistic Approach: We address the root causes of infertility, not just the symptoms, promoting long-term reproductive health.

  • Stress Reduction: Acupuncture helps reduce stress, which is often a significant factor in infertility, improving overall emotional well-being.

Why Choose Asheville Holistic Acupuncture?

Asheville Holistic Acupuncture is your premier destination for acupuncture in Asheville, especially for fertility support. Here’s why:

  • Experienced Practitioners: Our licensed acupuncturists have extensive training and experience in treating infertility and supporting reproductive health.

  • Comprehensive Care: We combine acupuncture with other traditional Chinese medicine techniques, such as herbal medicine, dietary advice, and lifestyle counseling, for comprehensive fertility care.

  • Patient-Centered Approach: We listen to your concerns and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

  • Serene Environment: Our Asheville acupuncture clinic provides a peaceful and supportive atmosphere, ideal for healing and relaxation.

Our Fertility Treatments

  1. Acupuncture: Regular sessions to balance hormones, improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reduce stress. By stimulating specific points, we can influence the endocrine system to promote ovulation and improve overall reproductive health.

  2. Herbal Medicine: Customized herbal formulas to support reproductive health and address specific fertility issues. Chinese herbs can help regulate menstrual cycles, improve ovarian function, and enhance the quality of eggs and sperm.

  3. Dietary and Lifestyle Counseling: Advice on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes to enhance fertility. We provide guidance on foods that support reproductive health, stress management techniques, and lifestyle adjustments to create a conducive environment for conception.

  4. Stress Management: Techniques to manage stress, which can impact fertility, including mindfulness and relaxation practices. Stress reduction is crucial in improving fertility outcomes, and we offer various methods to help you achieve a calm and balanced state of mind.

Success Stories

Many of our patients have successfully conceived after receiving acupuncture and other TCM treatments at Asheville Holistic Acupuncture. Our holistic approach addresses both physical and emotional aspects of fertility, providing comprehensive support for your journey to parenthood. Here are a few success stories from our patients:

  • Sarah & Mark: After struggling with unexplained infertility for years, Sarah and Mark turned to Asheville Holistic Acupuncture. With a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle changes, they successfully conceived and welcomed their healthy baby girl.

  • Lisa: Diagnosed with PCOS, Lisa had irregular cycles and difficulty ovulating. Regular acupuncture sessions and a tailored herbal formula helped regulate her menstrual cycles, and she eventually conceived naturally.

  • John: Facing low sperm count and motility issues, John sought acupuncture treatments. Within a few months, his sperm quality improved significantly, and his partner became pregnant.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you’re looking for effective and holistic treatment options for infertility, contact Asheville Holistic Acupuncture today. Our acupuncture treatments in Asheville are designed to support your reproductive health and improve your chances of conceiving. Schedule your appointment now and take the first step towards growing your family through the natural power of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

For more information about how Chinese medicine can help with infertility, or to book an appointment, visit our website or call us at (304) 922-0451. We look forward to supporting you on your fertility journey through the healing power of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.


Q: How does acupuncture improve fertility?
A: Acupuncture improves fertility by regulating hormones, enhancing blood flow to the reproductive organs, reducing stress, and addressing underlying health issues that may be impacting fertility.

Q: How many acupuncture sessions are typically needed for fertility?
A: The number of sessions varies depending on individual circumstances. Generally, patients undergo weekly sessions for 3-6 months to achieve optimal results.

Q: Can acupuncture be used in conjunction with other fertility treatments?
A: Yes, acupuncture can complement other fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI, often improving success rates and reducing side effects of these procedures.

Q: Is acupuncture painful?
A: Acupuncture is generally not painful. The needles are very fine, and most patients experience minimal discomfort, often feeling relaxed during and after the treatment.

Q: Are there any side effects of acupuncture for fertility?
A: Side effects are rare and typically mild, such as slight bruising or fatigue. Most patients find acupuncture to be a safe and effective therapy for improving fertility.

By choosing Asheville Holistic Acupuncture, you are opting for a natural, holistic approach to fertility that respects and enhances your body’s inherent ability to conceive. Let us guide you on your journey to parenthood with the time-tested techniques of traditional Chinese medicine.