Pediatric Acupuncture

Asheville Holistic Acupuncture is a family practice and we welcome children for acupuncture and herbal treatment! Pediatric acupuncture is very effective for many common childhood conditions and is appropriate once a baby has been weaned. Unlike with adults, when giving an acupuncture treatment to children the needles are normally not retained. This is because children respond so quickly to stimuli that it isn’t necessary to leave the needle in. Furthermore, for many conditions, acupressure stimulation is completely sufficient to perform the treatment, especially if the child is scared or uncomfortable with the idea of acupuncture.

What conditions are most commonly treated with pediatric acupuncture?

Respiratory Disorders: Asthma, Allergies, Wheezing, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Strep Throat

Gastrointestinal Disorders: Nausea & Vomiting, Colic, Constipation or Diarrhea

Infectious: Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Conjunctivitis, Ear Infections, Influenza, Common Cold, Ringworm

Psychological: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bedwetting, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, OCD, PTSD

Can infants take herbal medicine?

While babies are still nursing, herbal treatment is administered by giving the herbs to the mother; this then gets to the baby through the mother’s breastmilk. In some cases, gentle teas can be mixed with milk and given by a bottle (such as adding chamomile tea to the milk for stress relief). After weaning, herbal teas may be given in small amounts to infants by several methods; children generally respond very quickly to herbal medicine and require only a small dose and short term of administration.

Pediatric massage

One of the most important tools you can have as a parent or guardian is a solid massage regimen to calm your baby and to relieve common disorders such as colic, nausea, or stress and anxiety. There are specific Chinese massage techniques which can be very helpful for you to practice with your baby to maintain good health and to correct minor imbalances. Your practitioner will show you how to apply these at home.

The treatment of fevers

Children are abundant in yang qi, which means that, when exposed to a pathogen such as a virus or bacterium, they very quickly and easily develop a fever. This is a natural response and in some cases can be a healthy way for your child’s body to eliminate that virus; it is important to closely monitor the temperature, however, as a fever which spikes above 102 or 103 degrees can become dangerous. When it comes to deciding when it is appropriate to break the fever and when it is appropriate to support the natural progression of the fever as part of the immune function, this varies on a case-by-case basis and can be different for everyone. When in doubt, call the office or come in sooner rather than later; together you and your physician can make a plan on the best course of treatment for your child.